Showing 41-60 of 66 items.


41Other qualified childrenQualified Child or Qualified Children means any Child: (A) For whom the Parent is legally responsible; (B) That lives in the parent's home; (C) That the parent is actually supporting the child; (D) That is not subject to a Preexisting Child Support Order, and; (E) That is not currently before the court to set, modify or enforce child support. All five (5) criteria must be met in order to claim a Child as a Qualified Child for a Theoretical Support Order. If a child living in the parents home is subject to a Preexisting Order, but that order is not actually being paid by the parent in another case who owes the duty of support, then that child may be consider an 'Other Qualified Child'.
42other source of incomeOther Sources of Income, whether earned or unearned, may include, but are not limited to, the following: (i) Salaries; (ii) Commissions, fees, and tips; (iii) Income from self-employment; (iv) Bonuses; (v) Overtime payments; (vi) Severance pay; (vi) Severance pay; (viii) Interest income; (viii) Interest income; (ix) Dividend income; (x) Trust income; (xi) Income from annuities; (xii) Capital gains; (xiii) Disability or retirement benefits that are received from the Social Security Administration pursuant to Title II of the federal Social Security Act; (xiv) Workers?? compensation benefits, whether temporary or permanent; (xv) Unemployment insurance benefits; (xvi) Judgments recovered for personal injuries and awards from other civil actions; (xvii) Gifts that consist of cash or other liquid instruments, or which can be converted to cash; (xviii) Prizes; (xix) Lottery winnings; (xx) Alimony or maintenance received from persons other than parties to the proceeding before the Court; and (xxi) Assets which are used for the support of the family.
43Parent Parent means a person who owes a child a duty of support pursuant to Code Section 19-7-2.
44Parenting Time AdjustmentParenting Time Adjustment is a Deviation from a Parent's portion of the Basic Child Support Obligation based upon the Noncustodial Parent's court ordered visitation with a Child included in this action. NOTE: The Office of Child Support Services will not be involved with any action or claim related to visitation, including actions for contempt brought by the custodial parent against the non-custodial parent for failure to exercise the court ordered visitation upon which the parenting time adjustment deviation is based. The OCSS will apply the parenting time adjustment deviation to the presumptive amount of child support when there is a court order for visitation and the parents agree on the amount of the parenting time adjustment deviation to be applied. If both these criteria are not met, then OCSS will direct the parents to the court and will not apply the Parenting Time Adjustment Deviation.
45Parenting Time DeviationParenting time deviation means a deviation from the noncustodial parent's portion of the basic child support obligation based upon the noncustodial parent's court ordered visitation with the child. For further reference see subsections (g) and (i) of this Code section.
46Permanency Plan or Foster CarePermanency Plan or Foster Care Plan means the cost incurred in assisting a parent in regaining custody of a child who is in the legal custody of the Georgia Department of Human Resources (the Division of Family and Children Services-DFCS), the child protection or foster care agency of another state or territory, or any other child-caring entity, public or private. This total amount may be considered a deviation.
47PlaintiffThe person who is bringing or intends to file the current or present action.
48Preexisting OrderPreexisting order means: (A) An order in another case that requires a parent to make child support payments for another child, which child support the parent is actually paying, as evidenced by documentation as provided in division (f)(5)(B)(iii) of this Code section; and (B) That the date and time of filing with the clerk of court of the initial order for each such other case is earlier than the date and time of filing with the clerk of court of the initial order in the case immediately before the court, regardless of the age of any child in any of the cases.
49Presumptive Amount of Child SuPresumptive amount of child support means the basic child support obligation including health insurance and work related child care costs.
50Qualified ChildQualified children means any child: (A) For whom the parent is legally responsible and in whose home the child resides; (B) That the parent is actually supporting; (C) Who is not subject to a preexisting order; and (D) Who is not before the court to set, modify, or enforce support in the case immediately under consideration. Qualified children shall not include stepchildren or other minors in the home that the parent has no legal obligation to support.
51Qualified ChildrenQualified children means any child: (A) For whom the parent is legally responsible and in whose home the child resides; (B) That the parent is actually supporting; (C) Who is not subject to a preexisting order; and (D) Who is not before the court to set, modify, or enforce support in the case immediately under consideration. Qualified children shall not include stepchildren or other minors in the home that the parent has no legal obligation to support.
52RepresentativeNote: person entering data for mother, father, or nonparent custodian?
53Salary and WagesGross Income includes all income from any source, before deductions for allowable taxes and excludes needs based income such as Supplemental Security Income and TANF.
54Self Employment Taxes for FICAThe credit for self-employment taxes is calculated by deducting from that Parent's monthly gross income, one-half of the amounts of self-employment taxes paid by a Parent for FICA and Medicare. The amount of self-employment taxes paid can be found on your previous year Federal Tax Form 1040, Schedule SE, Line 4. If you reported less than $400 self-employment income in the previous tax year, you will not enter an amount on Child Support Schedule B, Line 2. For the maximum amount of self-employment income that is subject to Social Security tax, see IRS Publication 533 for the current taxable year. NOTE: The Office of Child Support Services updates the self-employment tax formula on January 1 of each calendar year.
55Social Security Disability or Social Security Disability or Retirement benefits received as part of Title II OASDI program which provides protection against the loss of income of earnings due to retirement, disability and death as income intended to replace a portion of lost earnings which is based on taxable earnings during a persons' lifetime. (Disability insurance or retirement benefits should not be confused with SSI, which is not considered income.
56Special Expenses for Child ReaSpecial Expenses for Child Rearing means expenses incurred for child rearing related to food, clothing, and hygiene costs of children at different age levels that may include, but are not limited to, summer camp; music or art lessons; travel; school sponsored extracurricular activities, such as band, clubs, and athletics; and other activities intended to enhance the athletic, social, or cultural development of a Child. In order to determine if a Deviation for special expenses is warranted, the Court or the jury will consider the full amount of the special expenses; and when these special expenses exceed 7 percent of the monthly Basic Child Support Obligation, the additional amount may be considered as a Deviation to cover the total of special expenses.
57Split ParentingSplit parenting can occur in a child support case only if there are two or more children of the same parents, where one parent is the custodial parent for at least one child of the parents, and the other parent is the custodial parent for at least one other child of the parents. In a split parenting case, each parent is the custodial parent of any child spending more than 50 percent of the time with that parent and is the noncustodial parent of any child spending more than 50 percent of the time with the other parent. A split parenting situation shall have two custodial parents and two noncustodial parents, but no child shall have more than one custodial parent or noncustodial parent.
58STARS Case NumberA unique case number issued and used by the Georgia Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) and assigned to cases maintained on their Support Tracking and Reporting System ($TARS) when a valid application for services has been made to the agency by a Parent or a Nonparent Custodian, or when a referral has been made to OCSS by the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS).
59TANF (Temporary Assistance forTemporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a benefit paid to a person who qualifies through the Georgia Division of Family of Children Services (DFCS) or similar programs in other states or territories under Title IV-A of the federal Social Security Act. This benefit does not include Medicaid or Food Stamps.